I came to America from my native Iraq three years ago. I distinguished myself through determination and dedication, which won me a place on Iraq’s Olympic Swimming Team and served with distinction with the US Army as a translator and cultural adviser. Working with the United States Army enhanced my ability to work in a team environment and learn organizational skills and discipline, which has a great deal to do with why I am still alive. I was granted permanent residency in the US as a token of appreciation for my service. Now, I want to apply my organizational and problem-solving skills to the benefit of dentistry. I finished dental school at the University of Baghdad in 2005. It is my goal to be enabled to practice dentistry in the US and to provide skillful, knowledgeable, and caring treatment to my patients.
If you walk into the waiting room of a dentist in the US, you are likely to see a group of relaxed-looking people reading magazines. If you observe the clientele of a free dental clinic in Iraq, you will see many distressed people with swollen faces and pain-filled eyes. When you have witnessed the latter, as I have, you appreciate dentistry in a whole new light. Seeing the almost immediate relief of pain available under the care of a skilled dentist seems miraculous. My cousin was a dentist in Iraq who gave some of his time to patients unable to pay for treatment and invited me to visit the free clinic; it changed my life. I also recalled a time when my father had suffered an oral abscess, and his pain was relieved immediately following a visit to a dentist.
My original goal, at that time, was to follow my sister into medicine. Still, I then began to consider dentistry because of the appeal of being able to relieve pain so quickly and thoroughly. I also became aware that much oral and dental pain and tooth loss is preventable with good primary health education and the importance of oral health for general health and well-being. These experiences fired my interest, and I subsequently enrolled to study dentistry at the University of Baghdad in Iraq and qualified to practice in my country. During my studies, I undertook voluntary work in various hospitals and clinics and learned much about different techniques and specialties but, as importantly, about treating patients with genuine care and trying to achieve the best possible outcome for each patient. It seemed to me that dentistry was an art as much as a science offering the possibilities of relieving pain, improving appearance, enabling people to eat a regular diet, and, not least, giving people the priceless gift of a smile.
Once I had obtained my degree, I practiced for a brief period. However, circumstances in my country were such that various obstacles and barriers prevented me from efficiently continuing to work as a dentist. So, I accepted employment as a translator and cultural adviser with the US forces. This service gave me experience in teamwork, planning and organizing, and discipline. It may also have saved my life in a very violent time.
Following my service with the US military, I was enabled to move to the United States and given permanent residency in appreciation for my work. Since arriving in the US, I have worked as a Dental Assistant in various settings and with multiple patients. This has been a valuable exercise in helping me to become accustomed to a new culture and dental environment. I am now ready for the ‘next step,’ which is to qualify to practice dentistry in this country. It is my intention, once qualified, to donate some of my time to a free clinic to give something back to the US, which has been so good to me. I would also hope to be involved in furthering the provision of education on the importance of routine dental and oral care in poorer communities.
My first job in the USA upon arrival was as a retail manager. I consider the skills I acquired and applied in that period to be applicable to most professions. I was required to supervise, motivate, direct, plan, and budget while providing excellent customer service. This was a challenging experience during which I learned many valuable lessons. The aspect of the job that I enjoyed most was delivering training; I discovered a love of teaching that I might not otherwise have found, and I hope to have the opportunity to train dentists and dental assistants in the future.
As a member of the Iraq national swimming team selected for the Olympic squad. I grew accustomed to dedicated, regular, disciplined training, and the ability to focus entirely on the ‘job at hand.’ I see this as relevant to my application.
I have happily worked with people of many diverse cultural and social backgrounds. I appreciate the importance of being culturally sensitive generally and its particular importance in the field of health care.
I have a particular interest in implant surgery and hope to be able to assist in research in this area of study. I aim to specialize in orthodontics after completing a doctoral program.
I am aware that dentistry programs attract many well-qualified applicants. However, I genuinely regard myself as an exceptional candidate. , I have experience practicing as a dentist, and I have substantial experience in this country working as a highly effective dental assistant. I have what it takes to become a successful participant in the program and will fully dedicate myself to excellence.
Thank you for considering my application.
DDS Degree Dentist from Iraq