I am different from other applicants to your program trained in India. While I am Indian, I was born and raised in Kenya, going to India only for visits and then later to complete dental school and my internship. I am now living in Canada, becoming a permanent resident due to my marriage. While I only came to Canada from Kenya this past January 2014, I hit the ground running and immediately began shadowing/volunteering with a local dentist, Dr. ____. His specialty is Invisalign, so I chose him as I am most enamored with this area of development in our field. I have been introduced to state-of-the-art technology at his clinic and am profoundly impressed and thrilled to become part of such state-of-the-art dental care and education.
I hope to be accepted to your program based on my plans to contribute to making dental care more accessible in Africa. I am working with an NGO that labors mightily to help with this effort in Kenya. My long-term goal is to foster progressive change as the owner and manager of an NGO dedicated to networking and advanced policy developments leading to greater access to primary oral healthcare for lower-working-class, disabled, and disadvantaged Africans.
I hope to engage in the future in comparative studies of the enormous challenges faced by both India and Kenya since I am an experienced dentist in both contexts. Most of all, I hope to distinguish myself as an authority in African dental care. The innumerable things of value that I learned during my internship as a dentist in Manipal, India, from August 2011 through September 2012, will always be with me.

I was also a highly active participant in the volunteer student organization in my dental program in India that organized and ran various dental camps and education projects for families and the institutionalized mentally ill. I especially treasure the memory of my work with the NGO Quantum of Hope for a one-week dental camp in Nagpur, providing dental prophylaxis and essential dental treatment to deaf, mute, and blind children. This was a life-changing experience where I found a great inner peace sustaining me. An active member of the volunteer student organization VSO Manipal, we organized dental screening and prevention for the children of low-income families, fundraising for aids patients, giving away flowers and red ribbons in exchange for contributions, and baking sales to raise money for a free denture camp. Other highlights of my days in dental school in India include a poster presentation on interdental aids for our college fest and surveying until I went to Kenya to gain additional experience in the importance of dentistry as a career among high school students.

I worked in a small group of dental clinics in Delhi, providing significantly subsidized dental treatment, following my graduation until I went to Kenya to gain additional experience in my home country. During my internship in India, I did much endo work, particularly with root canals and crowns. I am especially thankful for this solid and extensive experience because I am most confident that it will help me learn rapidly and excel in your program. I also earned my certification in essential life support before leaving India in August 2012. I am a firm believer in the importance of professional association. I attended as many conferences as possible, including the IDRR Conference in Bangalore in July 2012 and Dr. ____'s Conference on Aesthetic Dentistry in April 2012.
While I was happy to practice my profession in India, my heart was back in Kenya, so I decided to go back to Africa and join the struggle to improve dental care in the land where I grew up. This is why I volunteered and gave my all to the practice of a local dentist in Kenya from June 2013 through November 2014. It was sheer joy for me to fulfill the licensing examination requirements and become certified to practice dentistry in Kenya by fulfilling a three-month volunteer position in a hospital in Kenyatta from March through May of 2013.
After passing my licensing exam in Kenya, I began discussing oral healthcare education at local schools. I started networking with various organizations dedicated to providing free dental education in schools in our area. Soon, I was invited to work with an organization that I admire very much, ____, helping them with several projects, teaching hand washing and brushing techniques, for example, to school children, and providing them with other essential tips concerning oral hygiene. We did screenings in schools, donating toothpaste and toothbrushes. I share the goal of this noble organization of establishing mobile vans and centers for primary oral health care throughout Africa someday.
I humbly thank you for your time and consideration of my application.
Personal Writing Service Indian International Dentist