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Iraqi Woman Pediatric Dentist Refugee Camp Experience

Updated: Feb 15

Dentist holding a smiling young girl in a dental chair. The girl wears a pink bib, and the setting is a bright, modern dental office.
Compassionate Care: An Iraqi woman pediatric dentist brings smiles and hope to children in a refugee camp.

Growing up in Iraq, my innocence and tranquility were shattered precisely in 2003, at 16, as my city, Baghdad, Iraq, went to war. I had focused on dentistry as the profession I wanted to pursue for assorted reasons, and my entire family stood behind me. Unfortunately, by the time I would have entered dental school in 2005 in Baghdad, one could hear bombs going off daily, and students and health workers were targeted; female students were facing special and constant danger. We fled to Jordan.

I am pleased that with my family's support, I could graduate from one of the most prestigious schools of dentistry in the Middle East, the University of Jordan. My inclination toward pediatric dentistry began as a student at the University of Jordan. I was particularly intrigued by the opportunity to work with children and their families, answering their questions and fulfilling their needs. This experience brought up memories of my pediatric dentist, who always left me curious, asking a million questions as a little girl, all of which he answered joyfully. At that time, I started to believe that a particular type of personality is required to be a pediatric dentist: compassionate, empathetic, kind, and dedicated to pursuing this career as a vehicle to improve the quality of life of children.

A cute tooth-shaped plush toy with a smiling face is held by gloved hands over an orange dental bib. A dental tool rests nearby.
An Iraqi pediatric dentist brings smiles and dental care to children in a refugee camp, using a playful toy to ease anxiety during check-ups.

When I finished dental school in Jordan, I was on a plane to California, which I now call home. Earning my DDS at ____ in May of 2015, I became a permanent resident and licensed to practice dentistry in California; my dreams come true. I am also very much in love and have found the man I believe will be my life partner, a physician from the Middle East.

Voluntary work has always been a significant part of my life. I was an active member of the community health services in Jordan. At the same time, I was a student at the University of Jordan and volunteered for events organized by the dental school. I especially enjoyed, for example, volunteering for the S.O.S., an organization for orphaned children, and doing oral hygiene awareness campaigns at elementary public schools. Volunteering at S.O.S reaffirmed my passion for helping children and laid the foundation for my dream of becoming a pediatric dentist.

Dentist in blue gloves and mask smiles while examining a patient's teeth with a dental tool. The clinic setting includes medical equipment.
Iraqi woman pediatric dentist brings smiles and care to a refugee camp, using her skills to make a difference in challenging conditions.

Through the August Medical Foundation (a not-for-profit organization) and the UNHCR, my significant other and I have been making trips back to Jordan to do what we can side by side in refugee camps (Azraq and Zaatari). After returning home from my visit to Iraqi and Syrian refugee camps, I vowed to do my level best to continue advancing in dentistry and distinguish myself as a dentist and a dentistry student, this time pediatric. The children in these camps have reinforced my determination to pursue a lifetime specialization in Pediatric Dentistry. I feel a call deep in my bones for the children.

In addition to my own country and nearby Jordan, I have seen Turkey, Syria, Canada, the United Arab Emirates, the Netherlands, and New Zealand. My significant other and I see no end in sight for our family missionary dental/medical team outreach since political strife and war where we come from sadly show no sign of abatement. I am thrilled that dentistry is such a global profession. I treasure diversity as an Arab speaker from Baghdad and an Armenian woman fluent in Armenian. Currently, I am working with ____ Dentistry, putting the fundamentals I have learned to practical use and honing my clinical and diagnostic skills. Seventy percent of my patients are children between 3 and 18.

The University of ____ is my first choice among distinguished programs because of the solid clinical program and research opportunities that the University of ____ offers. Additionally, I’m relocating to ____ as my significant other, ____, lives and works there. Also, my sister and her family live and work in ____


I have learned how to effectively lead and motivate teams that provide dental screening and treatment, working closely with children at ____ Dentistry, I have developed meticulous skills to assess the scientific and social ramifications of oral disease and tooth decay, along with its treatment and prevention. My experiences as a volunteer and patient advocate have shown me the need for empathy, for reaching out to diverse patients in every state of health and empowering them to improve their situation.

I am ready to move into a new role, become part of the next generation of pediatric dentists, and provide comprehensive dental care access for needy children. I hope to have the profound privilege of bringing my all to your especially distinguished institution at the University of ____, building relationships of trust with patients that will last a lifetime.

I appreciate your consideration.

Iraqi Woman Pediatric Dentist Refugee Camp Experience

Dental Clinic for Syrian Refugees


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