To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Dr. XXXX DDS, and I own and operate a general dentistry practice in XXXX, New Jersey. With immense pleasure, I recommend XXXX for selection to an Advanced Standing Program for International Dentists. XXXX has a great capacity and a prominent level of motivation for the practice of Dentistry. I could not be more convinced that she will prove herself a credit to the institution that is fortunate enough to select her.
It will soon be three years since XXXX has been serving as my Dental Assistant in my clinic, and I have come to appreciate her contribution to our everyday challenges more than I can express in words. At every step of the way, XXXX has never failed to go that extra mile as needed – with a great capacity to do so. Since 2016, I have come to depend on her support in every aspect of the day-to-day operation of our clinic and attention to our patients. She will be sorely missed as she will be impossible to replace.
XXXX's strong work ethic defines her existence, and her enthusiasm for sharing her advanced understanding with her coworkers never dims. She thrives on learning, and her zest for advancement and progress is contagious. Always with a warm smile, she is easy to talk to and quick to assist with whatever needs to be done. Proactive, she always offers help as appropriate. Every day, XXXX treats our patients with the utmost kindness, and she stays well-informed and up to date. She takes X-rays, prepares, and sets up trays for procedures and dental materials, disinfects rooms, and sterilizes instruments.
We focus primarily on oral surgery, implants, Endodontic treatments, and sleep issues. I am primarily engaged with Sleep Medicine, and I can thus offer my patients a broad range of appliances related to their sleep apnea levels and needs. XXXX is part of our team in screening patients for sleep apnea, and she has become quite knowledgeable about these critical issues in Dentistry. She was part of the two-day course on sleep apnea medicine in New Jersey and Connecticut. Much of our concern in Sleep Medicine is related to Orthodontics, an area in which XXXX has had advanced training. Since many of the appliances we use to treat sleep apnea are also utilized in Orthodontics, XXXX has an edge since they are designed with mandibular protrusion and vertical components facilitating an opened airway. She is also adept at giving our patients detailed instructions concerning each appliance.
I am confident that XXXX will be an incredibly hardworking student and benefit immensely from your program, enabling her to make her maximum, extensive contribution to our field. XXXX is an expert in multitasking and often finds herself engaged in several important aspects of what is happening simultaneously: taking 3D x-rays and facilitating the patient’s understanding of pre-operative procedures, especially for general anesthesia extractions patients. It is also often XXXX who calls in the prescription to the pharmacy.
I could not be more enthusiastic in my recommendation of XXXX for a position in your dental school program for international dentists. I am sure that her perseverance and dedication will enable her to go far in dentistry. Without a doubt, XXXX would make significant contributions to your program if selected.
Letter of Recommendation Sample International Dentist