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Orthodontics Residency Dentist from Iran

Updated: Feb 18

Dentist in gloves smiling while examining a patient's teeth in a dental clinic. Background features tooth diagrams and "DENTIST" sign.
Orthodontics resident conducting a dental check-up, displaying advanced skills and expertise in a clinical setting.

I qualified as a dentist in May 2014 and have worked as a general dentist since October of that year in California. I have long had an interest in orthodontics arising from the experiences of a family member. My brother suffered severe malocclusion as a child and was teased and laughed at as a result. Our family lived in Iran and my father was unable to afford the necessary orthodontic treatment at that time. My brother’s suffering sparked an interest in dentistry, and specifically orthodontics, which fit well with the decision I had made already to work in the field of healthcare.

I decided to ‘test the water’ while still in high school and was fortunate to obtain vacation work with a dentist in Tehran who was one of the few dentists in the country who had dedicated his life to treating the poor and underserved rural population.  Any doubts about my choice of career quickly disappeared witnessing this kind, skilled, and dedicated dentist doing so much good. Seeing grimaces of pain turn into smiles of relief and the gratitude of the patients and their families was sufficient to persuade me that I had found a way to ‘make a difference’ rather than merely ‘make a living’. I have never regretted my choice.

Dentist examining smiling woman in clinic. Posters of teeth visible in the background. Bright, clean setting with a cheerful mood.
Orthodontics resident honing her skills and bringing smiles to patients.

I was able to relate to the poor patients that we treated as I was myself subject to a double exclusion in Iran, firstly because I was a member of the Baha’i faith living in a theocratic Islamic state and secondly by the poverty and lack of opportunity that I and my family suffered as a result of our faith. It was not going to be possible for me or my brother to attend university in Iran, so we moved to the US. My brother’s occlusion was slowly corrected here using a brace, and it was a delight to see his confidence and self-esteem grow as the brace began to take effect.

A special interest in the treatment of ‘special needs’ child patients developed while undertaking an observer-ship over a period of 10 months with a dentist specializing in the treatment of such patients, many of whom suffered from autism.  This observer-ship was an excellent introduction to the techniques applied in soothing and reassuring special needs children and in gaining their confidence and cooperation. I have a nephew who was born, five years ago, with a cleft palate and related dental problems and who is also autistic so I can relate to the feelings of the parents of such children and have a great wish to help them as far as I am able. Once qualified as an orthodontist, I intend to treat special needs, particularly autistic children as well as pursue general practice in an underserved locality. I also hope to treat members of my Baha’i faith who cannot afford orthodontic treatment. I am a grateful beneficiary of the US policy on the admission of refugees and am absolutely determined to be of help to those who are less fortunate than I have been.

A dentist in white coat examines a smiling patient in a dental clinic. Posters of teeth on the wall, creating a cheerful atmosphere.
Orthodontics resident dentist shares a cheerful moment with a patient during a consultation.

I moved to the US as a refugee 15 years ago. I did well academically and graduated with a degree in cell biology in 2006, despite the challenge of trying to function in a foreign environment and a new language that I had previously only spoken during my English classes in Iran.  However, during my junior year at UCD, my father became seriously ill and had heart surgery. He and my mother do not speak English, and they required my constant assistance during medical appointments, translating, and managing the household until my father recovered. This added stress, along with my three-hour commute to class, caused my grades to slip for a time but I can assure the reader that this level of performance is not a true reflection of my academic abilities. My family obligations are now considerably reduced and will not affect my future studies.

I am attracted to the specialty because I have personal experience of its potential to dramatically enhance the lives of patients, not only aesthetically but also in providing relief from discomfort enabling patients to be able to chew food properly and in providing a wider choice of diet. I am also extremely excited at the prospect of joining a specialty in which so many advances in techniques and materials are made and continue to be made. I want to be a part of future advances and hope to be able to assist in research especially concerning cleft palates and the most effective orthodontic interventions for affected child patients. I have happily studied, worked, socialized with, and treated people of many ethnic and social backgrounds. I am happy to share knowledge of my own culture and to learn about others. I enjoy meeting and engaging with people and am blessed with a well-developed sense of humor. I am fully fluent in English and am a native speaker of Farsi.

I believe that my experience to date will enable me to ‘add value’ to the program and I can promise highly committed, enthusiastic, and diligent participation. I look forward to sharing the fruits of my academic and professional life to date and receiving the benefit of those that my fellow students will bring to the program.

Thank you for considering my application.

Orthodontics Residency Dentist from Iran


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