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Pediatric Dentist Residency Underserved Children

Updated: Feb 16

Dentist in blue scrubs smiling with children holding toothbrushes. Colorful balloons in the background convey a cheerful mood.
A pediatric dentist in residency smiles while holding a toothbrush, surrounded by cheerful children at a community clinic for underserved kids.

Since I started dental school, I have intended to pursue Pediatric Dentistry, and this ambition has been increasingly confirmed as my training and career have progressed. I have sought as much exposure to the specialty as possible, carefully observing the techniques and characteristics of professionals. Pediatric Dentistry calls for unique features and elevated levels of specialist skill and knowledge: endless patience, profound empathy, a practiced ability to inspire trust and confidence, and, most importantly, a genuine and deep affection for children. I would not apply if I were not convinced that I possess these characteristics.

I have been involved in child-related volunteer activities since 2007. Since 2014, this has provided children with dental and oral health education, including pro-bono treatment for underserved children. I began working with children as a volunteer in high school, helping to organize and manage Special Olympics events, and have continued to work with children over the years, collaborating with various projects with a focus on young people and oral health care, most recently Head Start. My professional focus is now on children and children with scarce resources. I was raised to believe that charitable endeavor is an obligation rather than a choice. I could not be happier to help children who might otherwise have gone untreated or suffered from further delays in treatment. My focus on children has helped me better appreciate the critical importance of early education in adopting effective dental and oral hygiene regimes.

Smiling dentist in blue scrubs holds a toothbrush, surrounded by happy children holding toothbrushes. Colorful balloons in the background.
A pediatric dental resident smiles alongside a group of happy children, highlighting the importance of providing dental care to underserved communities.

The first time I applied for a residency in Pediatric Dentistry, I was rejected; I was still in dental school. So, I completed an AEGD residency. The clinical experience of my AEGD Residency, complete with lectures and additional training courses, helped me become increasingly more proficient in Endodontics, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, practice management, and evidence-based dentistry, in addition to Pediatric Dentistry. Even before entering dental school, I have a long history of shadowing dentists and assisting them.

After completing my AEGD Residency, I worked in private practice to supplement my public health experience gained, applying everything I had learned and providing comprehensive treatment to quite different demographics. It was reconfirmed during this experience that my true passion is to work with children full-time. Unfortunately, I reapplied to Pediatric Dental residencies and did not get in again. That was a difficult day, but for me, the glass is always half full, never half empty. However, I was most grateful to be allowed to keep my dream alive because I was selected for an internship position in Pediatric Dentistry, which I have enjoyed to the entire degree imaginable.

Pediatric Dentist Residency Underserved Children.
A pediatric dentist proudly stands with a group of smiling children, highlighting the importance of dental care in underserved communities.

My central hope my third time around lies in the extensive experience that I am now acquiring in the provision of dental treatment to children in a variety of settings, including extensive exposure to and practice of behavioral control modalities such as the operating room under general anesthesia, using IV sedation, oral sedation, and in the regular clinic with the possibility of doing nitrous. I have also broadened my horizons and contribution as a volunteer, serving with Head Start, providing their only chance for oral health care for many children.

I cannot wait to get to work each day in my current position and sleep at night thinking about it. Nothing brings me greater joy than Pediatric Dentistry and the marvelous opportunities afforded me. Since I am proficient in most aspects of child dental care, I have more hope than ever. I have done many stainless-steel crowns, strip crowns, composite and amalgam fillings, extractions, space maintenance, and tooth replacement. I have provided these services to numerous children, including those severely affected and medically compromised.

After completing your program and gaining additional experience on the forefront, I hope to open my clinic as a Pediatric Dentist with a heavy focus on underserved children.

Thank you for considering my application.

Pediatric Dentist Residency Underserved Children

Special Olympics for Children in the Personal Statement for Pediatric Dentistry


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