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Personal Statement Editing Service for Dental School

Updated: Feb 15

A dentist smiling, holding a dental mirror and model teeth. She's wearing a white coat and gloves. Dental tools shown, clinic setting.
Aspiring dentist demonstrating skills with enthusiasm and precision, vital for personal statement success in dental school applications.

My uncle and brother are dentists, so dentistry was a natural career choice. I initially began a business career and then returned to my true calling, dentistry. What I learned about the company will serve me well at some point in the future as I hope to start my dental practice after finishing dental school and gaining extensive hands-on experience.

I graduated ‘summa cum Laude with a GPA of 4.0 in Business from the University of ____, but I soon decided that a business career would not provide the satisfaction I needed. I wanted to help people directly and personally. When I compared my working day to my brother, the dentist, I concluded that he provided more of the professional and human satisfaction I sought in a career.

Five smiling doctors in white coats. One holds a dental model. They're in a bright room, conveying a professional and welcoming mood.
Aspiring dental students and experts collaborate to craft compelling personal statements for dental school applications.

I crave the ‘hands-on’ aspect of dentistry, healing and preventing disease, and the daily interactions with patients: diagnostics, pain relief, preventative, and reparative and esthetic dentistry. Nothing excites me as much as the idea of contributing in such a profound way to the transformation of someone from someone who rarely smiles into a more confident person who raised self-esteem because of my efforts.

In addition to my extensive shadowing and assisting my brother and uncle, I have undertaken extensive reading and online research in dentistry. I spent eight months as a dental assistant completing routine duties and observing complex and standard procedures. I especially enjoyed dealing directly with the patients and putting them at ease. Unfortunately, it was necessary to curtail this introduction into dentistry as I needed more lucrative employment to fund my pre-med studies. However, this experience fully confirmed my decision to become a dentist. This is why I am in a ‘pre-med’ program at the University of ____. The program provides a grounding in General Science, Biology, and English. Chemistry will prepare me for the DDS program and help me excel and hit the ground running.

Dentists in white coats examine dental x-rays and a teeth model, smiling in a clinical setting with a dental image on a screen behind them.
Aspiring dental students collaborate on a case study, highlighting their passion and preparation for dental school applications.

From my research, I know that many people in the US do not realize the importance of routine dentistry and how oral and general health is interrelated. Thus, I also look forward to devoting much of my time to raising consciousness about the importance of preventative dental care for everyone, especially for poorer communities. Contributing my time to free dental clinics is fundamental to my professional vision for the future.

I am extremely excited by the advances in dentistry, laser technology, computer imaging, and new materials and techniques in orthodontics. I hope to assist in research or trials to further such advances.

I have carefully considered the demands that a challenging DDS program will make. I am determined to apply myself fully to the program and excel. I am sure that I have both the intellectual capacity and the personal commitment and drive to distinguish myself in dentistry. My bachelor's degree results and awards reflect a diligent and intelligent person who is used to ‘going the extra mile’ in his work; my preparation for entry to the program has been practical and academic and has provided a good understanding of the dental working environment. My greatest asset is my passion for dentistry and becoming an exceptionally skilled, knowledgeable, and effective practitioner.

Personal Statement Editing Service for Dental School

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