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Prosthodontics Residency UK Restorative Dentistry

Updated: Feb 16

Dentist in a white coat smiling, examining a patient's mouth with a dental mirror, in a bright clinic. Energetic and professional mood.
Prosthodontics residents in the UK expertly examine a patient's dental health, highlighting skills in restorative dentistry.

A devoted woman dentist and a diligent student of Dentistry from Saudi Arabia, I hope to advance my career by completing a Prosthodontics Residency in the UK. I see dental education for foreign dentists in the UK as the best in the world. I look forward to the finest education possible in Restorative Dentistry to prepare myself for making my ultimate and most entire contribution to my field. Professionally and as a volunteer in my community promoting preventive dentistry and contributing my time doing restoration work for the less fortunate who cannot pay for the services, treating my patients based on income, this is my ideal.

Smiling dentist in a white coat and mask holds dental tools, stands beside a patient. Dental office setting, lit by a bright overhead lamp.
I am an aspiring prosthodontist engaging with a patient during her residency in restorative dentistry in the UK.

I plan to give my professional life to studying and utilizing restorative materials in aesthetics and restoration. I currently serve as a teaching assistant in the Restorative Dentistry Department at the University of ____ in Saudi Arabia, and I could not be more devoted to my work and incredibly excited to learn all that I can in my field to advance, putting it to beneficial use for a long time to come.

I began Dental School at the University of ____ in 2013, finishing in 2018, with my internship rotations completed by 2019. I was incredibly proud to win an award for scientific excellence during my last three years of dental school. I now serve as a Teaching Assistant in Restorative Dentistry, my chosen specialty. For many years I have enjoyed working with materials, studying, and sculpting them first as an artist - sculptor and painter - and then later as a professional, giving my all to restorative dentistry. I am also heavily engaged in promoting preventive oral health care and hygiene in my community.

Prosthodontics Residency UK Restorative Dentistry.
A prosthodontics resident in the UK engages with a patient, highlighting her expertise in restorative dentistry.

I hope to learn a great deal by completing a residency position in Prosthodontics at ____ University and then return to Saudi Arabia to share what I have learned with other members of the profession, making a total contribution for the long term toward the advancement of the fields of Prosthetic and Restorative Dentistry in Saudi Arabia. I look forward to teaching Restorative Dentistry in Saudi Arabia and giving my all to teaching in the same way that I give all to the practice of restorative Prosthodontics. In time, I hope to develop a well-equipped clinic that would be one of the best in my hometown. I relish travel as I do diversity and very much enjoyed my visits to the USA, Florida, New York, and California, as well as London, the UK, Turkey, Dubai, UAE, and Mauritius, all of which enhanced my appreciation for diversity and my ability to communicate with people from different cultures and walks of life.

Thank you for considering my application.

Prosthodontics Residency UK Restorative Dentistry

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